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Sunday, November 21, 2010

BC contd....

Honestly speaking I am totally clueless as to what to print on this screen. This post is nothing more than a commitment to the word 'contd' in the previous post. The climate did show few fluctuations. It fooled us by showing some yellow rays in the morning and converting them into transparent drops by evening. Wonder if this fooling game gonna prolong thoughout the year! The creepy characters still rule the buses, without having gained the popular status. Inspite of being BC for 3 months, the decoding of creepy clues has been impossible. Well, the above boring statements would have undoubtedly implied the unnecessary bounce of the alphabet keys and the absence of nature's constant law i.e change. Without dragging the post too much, I would like to wrap up the topic by saying.....
I won't ever ever dare to write a 'to be contd' in the bottom of the post :-

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