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Friday, July 3, 2009

The 'Schooly' Child

June 15th, 2009, a sweet chirpy morning tickled my eyes which couldn't stop from opening its door to welcome the beauty of nature. Longing to see some scenes of sunrise, it eagerly peeped out of the window. But alas! I forgot that it isn't going to be the the same anymore. The school bags have already geared up to gain weight, unlike those size zero models and hang on something soft and hard... oh yeah.. shoulders.. The shoulder owners, who had definitely not slept the previous night, are in a state of ambiguity whether to cry or to be happy. Be happy, for the reason that those bundle of pages lying on their bags will be relieving them from those tiring first day lectures by giving a special treat to the nostrils and cry because they arent oblivious of the fact that there's going to be a half dozen months more to gain their independence. Wonder if these children really know that their destiny is not all about this when they are ferociously dragged by their parents to somehow push them into the four-wheeler before it bades a goodbye??!!! The struggle doesn't end here... after all they are school students and there's bound to happen a bench-fight,else a big bash is in waiting at their houses. The day begins with a prayer.. Teachers asking students to join their palms and close their eyes.. but only the children themselves are aware of the small hole beneath the eyelidswhich catch hold of the teacher's actions and that their head bowed actually helps those 'eyeholes' to admire the new ironed uniforms they have worn.. little do they realize that this uniform is going to be the one they will be hating in near future..Now the next wait is for recess.. the child boringly stares at the new class teacher who has already foiled all the expectations of an interesting lecture the child had..a fear creeps into the mind if it will get any teacher to be mentioned as its favorite ..the good look of all new sharpened pencils and erasers waiting to be undressed go in vain as they become the prey of this child's boredom.. after the first period the child starts the countdown of the ringing of bells.. as soon as it reaches half the number of times the bell gonna ring a day, the child starts screaming as it can kill all those rats which were running in its stomach. Hardly does the child wait for the next bell.. It wishes the day had only the 4th bell and the final bell...now back to classroom which welcomes it with few confusions about seats.. Again the pencil and rubber get ready to get themselves decorated and tortured by the student..the countdown again starts..but suddenly it forgets to count.. There comes one wonderful lecture.. the hunt for a favorite teacher comes to an end.. Now the child can proudly mention to his non-school friends about he too having a favorite teacher..The pre-final bell rings followed by the National Anthem and next comes the much awaited final bell.. the child runs out of the classroom to meet his mom at home as if it has been ages since they have met..In the evening, when i peeped out of the window i could see the fresh child-in-the-morning returning home with a dull and dry face.. its back already tending to get a hump. All the experiences and happenings gush out of the child's mouth as soon as it meets her..Thirty years later when this child dangles from a dadar local for its dear life, it will wonder and laugh at all these unworthy stupidities and then will it realize the fact that the Pythagoras gibberish which it had studied with doors of its room shut hasn't even taught it to fix a flat tyre!!!!


  1. awesome man!!!!shubha you can write a novel...you are so expressive and the use of words...i could relate this to my school days...i thot only i had my eyes half opened during school prayers :P the best is the ending...after all the schooling we realize that we don't anything practically but i would like to add without the basics one can never learn practical application of things...without having learnt Pythagoras theorem geometry would have become so complicated....

  2. yeah true... but unfortunately we are juz told to study pythagoras thm but no one teaches it application-based :(

  3. cool blog yaar....i agree wid preeti...u cud definitely write a novel:P
    d RnD's mind also works in dis direction:D

  4. Hi Shubha,
    Beautifully written. I can visualise and connect to the descriptions in your blog .

    And yeah, I recollect the boredom driven countdown. When in 8th Std, I got so desperately bored oneday that I packed up my bags early and almost rushed out with my bags - alas, it was lunch bell :'(

