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Wednesday, July 24, 2013

An AWEsome episode of my life

One of the inevitable websites to be browsed upon as soon as I get hands-on on my system, Facebook, has always left a negative impact on my mind. It produces tonnes of extroverts who make me regret of having insulted the words ‘Friendship’ and ‘Life’. Friendship is a beautiful unison of two hearts that care for each other unconditionally. They do not need any medium to articulate emotions. But now things have changed. “I am ‘friends’ with you” doesn’t really mean it. Philosophies are at its superlative when it comes to ‘sharing’. Sooner did I realize that it was all fake. In the journey of hunting for truth, Facebook shattered my outlook. I could not stop frowning at my dilemma of having ‘follow’ed an addictive networking where ‘like’ ing someone was nothing more than putting your thumbs up. I somehow wanted not to run away from the loop but mould the loop into something beautiful.
Facebook has always been suggesting its users to get connected. Some happy faces keep appearing on the right corner of my screen that I happily ignore. But one fine day, a lady with a really beautiful and genuine smile caught my attention. I tried hard to ignore, but something seized my heart. It said ‘Gifts of ….’. Those dots aroused my curiosity and interest, persuading me to enter into her small facebook world.  Lo! I see it said Gifts of AUTISM. All these days, Autism was just an abnormality in my dictionary. But this phrase elicited a whole new meaning to the word. I was even more curious to know why I was so much towed. We had 19 mutual (online) friends, one of them being my mom. I quickly sent out a friend request. Within few minutes, I got notified about her acceptance. Happily I scrolled through the feeds and logged out.
My mind conveniently forgot this incident. Myself and Facebook had already repelled away like two like poles of magnet. My urge to serve the society still brimmed in mind. Working in an IT company never gave me the satisfaction of achieving. Outwardly I was proud to be a part of one of the best IT companies in the world and thanked God for it. But, map of my inner journey for treasure denoted that I wasn’t on the right path. I felt like riding on a bike which was constantly skidding off the route. All I could do is, plan for my future missions paving my way back to the right track.
Few days later, when I logged in to Facebook, amidst all those shared and unwanted posts, I could see a post which caught my attention which said ‘Yet another coaching on Skype’. It was the same lady whom I had doted. Believe it or not she was doing a coaching for Autistic children!! She was the founder of Gifts of Autism. Her deeds reflected myself. I leisurely began feeling close to my passion. I quickly expressed my wish to be a part of it.
My entire outlook towards Autism took a huge turn. I never knew anyone who was autistic. But our tête-à-tête dawned a new knowledge that autistic children look this world with a unique facet. They are supposed to be God’s gift. They were called as AWE-tistic by Gifts of Autism or spiritually awakened gems.
Human society is biased. Optimism is losing its place in people’s heart. Parents of these AWE kids(that’s how I am going to refer them henceforth) shed tears for having given birth to an incapable child hardly realizing the spiritual potential hidden within them. Outlook towards these AWEs should be tainted. For a change, let’s forget about their self-defined inability and listen to them like any other normal person. I am sure we will explore unimaginable paths where our guides are going to be none other than  these AWEs.
 Is discrimination so important? Are we always right? Firstly, are WE right? Who is abnormal, we or AWEs? These are some of the unanswered questions haunting my mind. Respect for every creature on this earth will ultimately result in harmony. Hoping to dive deep into this beautiful world of AWE-tism. Wish you, the reader, too join hands with me in demolishing the prejudice prevalent in the world.

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